well then. i got through the first step of the application process, so now i must rope one of my camera-using friends to shoot a set. anybody got a pet idea for a set that no one's ever done? if i do it and they decide to take it, i'll totally give you a shout-out in the audio intro.
in other news, i've had that...
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that should put the cows in the right mooooooood tongue
You are way better at commenting in my journal than I in yours...sorry. frown
Here's some back pay.
I never had tetherball, ghetto high school.
All day i dream about sex...fer real. blush
I'd love to help but I'm not a great photographer. I can center stuff and make sure the light is good for actually seeing people's faces but that's about it. I made a "valentine" album for my honey one year and the chick that took the pics didn't even have me centered. There was a lot of cropping to do.
Any interest in a beach party at a piano bar on sat nite? Hoping to make it to atl on the 25th, wanna come?
all day i dream about... soup.
i eat lipton noodle soup like i'm in a bomb shelter or something. at home i eat fancy raw food pita things with feta cheese and hummus and crickets or similar, but for some reason while at work i am compelled to eat 10 bowls of this soup. and that's it. maybe i need to just cut to...
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i mapped the labyrinth down, i remember where all the oubliettes are. in fact i saw someone who looked remarkably like john kerry in one of them. speaking of which - the votes are comin, it'll take a week or two. we're in the debates now, just past the speedboat veteran's for truth ads. you think security moms will have an impact on the vote? i really don't want to improvise a score to black hawk down. i wouldn't mind improv over farenheit 911 though, that could be our funniest night out biggrin
Soup... soup....soup how brilliant. i wrote a great piece of writing called corn soup. i can show you if your interested...

I'm Holly... oh and nice pick...snap
desperate attempt at updating...
so i'm quitting my job, smoking like a freight train, and when i get home, hell hath no fury like a woman awoken from her disco nap.
i have the cutest dog. ever. check my pictures if you don't believe me, she's the red one showing her jailface. which is similar to metalface or rockface, as expertly demonstrated by james hetfield...
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Who am I to argue?
Hope you get a better job!

When i think of high school it makes me laught!
I was so ahead of the time and fucking cool. Well, i think so! wink And i may be the only one!
Take caare! kiss
haven't been updating, haven't been replying to comments... i swear i'll be a good girl soon, just been stupid busy with some friends moving out of town and me skipping work and whatnot. you gonna put me in time-out? you're not the boss of me! now where'd i leave my wineglass... wink
Very funny! I was leaving that last comment when you left yours.

Yes, an admission of guilt indeed!

Though, really, if you need a playground metaphor a lot of my previous lovelife up until my mid-twenties was all TetherBall.

Ha, well tetherball is as much an argument as much as it's a sport. And the best late teens relationships sort of end up with the ball twisted around the pole, in a matter of words! (that's a joke)

Yes, there are many things to read into the tetherball metaphor. I also like your suggestions. Zombies? Damn.

Never really got the bases idea. I mean, what if you want to go back and sit on second for a while? Isn't that illegal? Wouldn't mind a third base coach every once in a while, though. Some old guy leaning by the outfield, gesturing, "steal! STEAL!"

Fun simultaneous posting.

Edited to add: yes, I adore Leslie! She's a queen, and I mean that as royalty not because of the gay rumors (hah) Also, I saw Bloc Party a few times this year and have to say that the Silent Alarm album kills on many levels.

[Edited on May 27, 2005 3:35PM]
i'm going to atlanta this weekend to see weezer, i'm sort of "eh" about the band but it will be nice to get out... i've been quite the groupie this year. arcade fire, drive-by truckers, le tigre, tons of local acts. i guess i'm flexing my concert muscle again. i quit going for so long after that awful music midtown experience, with the drunk and...
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Oh, you're whipping me into shape, that's how kiss
Intelligent answer? That's why we're friends. Bring it on! biggrin
yeah, i'm blonde now. and yeah, it's pretty weird. everyone at the pub freaked out. the barmaid actually screamed, and i'm not sure if that's good or bad.
speaking of the pub, last night was land of the lost exes. my ex, and the exes of two twins who are good friend of mine. and they're all like buddies or something, like an ex support...
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hows your cat doing?
Hey, me again, are going to atl for the thing on the 20th? Pleae try, i am. kiss
okay, my finger is on the trigger... i've got bleach in the bathroom. should i go blonde? go look at my pics and tell me if it will look hella or if i'll look like i have tuberculosis. help me, internet!
and if i do it and it looks like shit, how long will i have to wait before i can go brown again? will...
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well, back from the trip and dying to hear! did you do it??
I don't know what blonde would look like on you, it's hard to tell from the pics. But if you do it and don't like it you can cover it with box o' brown. Just choose your shade wisely or drop some change to get it done right at a salon. I work in a salon though, so i'm a bit partial. I have pink hl's thes days.
it's one of those mornings where i've shown up dressed completely inappropriately for work. i'm wearing jeans, old ratty black sneakers, and a wrinkled cowboy shirt, with my hair in a knot. at least i'm not wearing a pink shirt and red shoes, like the last time this happened. the 5th-graders i must work with today will surely be inspired to pursue a career in...
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You are just expressing one of your many sides! This is the artsy, creative side! I'm sure you look cute! And what do 5th graders know about fashion?

Have a good weekend! kiss
no, we haven't... wierd huh....... tongue
it makes it easier if someone is on my list. reminds me to talk..
i'm no fan of the ol' winn dix, but in my effort to stop after the one lonely glass of wine with dinner, i went late-night grocery shopping for myself, my boy and the couch surfer. this was a bad idea, and i have realized that i am predjudiced. that's right, i have predetermined notions of what young men eat. i buy myself baby spinach...
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Your paragraph totally makes sense and i am with you on all the zombie dance songs, especially fast zombie to Iggy! Scary huh?!

My drunken food has to be morning star buffalo wings with ranch dressing and there's a cafe in DC that my friends and i go to after drinking, one word: Tator Tots!(actually 2 but hey who's counting)
My husband always needs, Ben and Jerry's, popcorn with a chocolate bar! Healthy, and he's skinny as a toothpick. Makes me sick! He's a member also : mAllenfoto. It's not fair that guys can eat and drink and not worry about cellulite! No fair at all!!! kiss
i have a feeling that your profile pic is gonna make you very popular 'round these here parts.
after one of the most monstrous hangovers i've ever had, i've come to the conclusion that drinking robs you of weekends. i feel like i just left the office, and now i'm back.
will our heroine wean herself off the bottle? only the traditional Tuesday Pub Night will say for sure. did our heroine spell wean correctly? if she'd lay off the sauce, she might...
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hey who the hell cares how it's spelled. i can normally spell well, on this site, no way! drinking does rob you of weekends. is it or isn't it worth it? the world may never know! take care! smile
Our heroine spelled wean correctly. The dictionary has it wrong. Our heroine spelled heroine correctly. The powder's got it wrong. Our heroine is hotter than georgia asphalt. love will our heroine be our friend?
i advise you to admire teh hottness in my pics folder that is my fiancee.
that is all. wink
He's very handsome wink But my hubby's cuter tongue
(see my pics for personal verification eeek )
i was trying on wedding dresses in one of those monolithic bridal shops in sandy springs last weekend, and was taken aback by the sheer volume of saleswomen. the process is so bizarre; all the dresses are roped off and you actually have to register with them to get back there, and you have to be escorted by a saleswoman, who then forcibly accompanies you...
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Graduated 2004, so I doubt we were there at the same time. Still, probably had some of the same teachers! Lessee... Did you ever have Mr. Cramer? Oooh! Or what about that crazy-ass bitch Ms. Nettles? Or Ms. Hoffman?
Those are great!! Corny jokes always make me smile biggrin