Time to git homesteading. Helped move my friends out of the farmhouse to the next town, the last two days. And now alone with nature in 48 acres.
A sad fate for a house martin who got chucked out og its nest, despite me hanging on to the seat of my pals pants, literally, him on the window ledge reaching for the eves and popping...
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it's good to be in here..i missed this crazy ole' place.
ehm, yes I was blush
time for the spirit in the
to beam me up........to Glastonbury and the Buddhafestival, and more eco building. to asist in the methods of William Miller ( Plastering Plain and Decorative written in 1890 )

Another plastereress

I am considering a vasectomy. VIVA Animals everywhere. ARRR!!!

ARRR!!! right.

Vasectomy is good.
Looks like on my return to Planet SG today is to have left the back door open once an' for'll. All my profile has been deleted. Lucky me, I have carte blanche.
I guess it was something I said about shaving my bollocks (ed.) that din it. SG thought police got there and pinched the last line.
Informed consent

horray for the Palm D'or awarded...
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New balls ( and chains!!!! XXXXXXX ) I needs a noo look, darn it can't rid of the ole one. But I just LOVE the little kitten.

Just can't take it can I

Song from London
Real glad to be back in London, and catcher up-

What the hell am I doing in Glastonbury ever? Seeing Close encounters of the Third kind, reminded me of those woolly hippies up there, making a heap big pow (P.O.W.) wow of me up there. Am I into bondage or what? Mmm, I just hate the scene. Is love really free? It doesn't rock my...
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Well done to Brighton Animal Actionfor finding new homes for 7 1/2 thousand battery chickens.
I'm having to consider getting some from The Hen House because I'm a day late!
And they (BAA) were only aloud to take the quota given, yesterday, for which they all had new homes waiting, ahh.

When we get our lake dug ( dug it is ) but no planning...
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My eyes are stinging. I hadn't slept more than an hour last night, in crap-3*** Indian hotel until 3am; that stank of stale fags. Now I have sleep deprivation, but that's the extant of my jet lag. 10 1/2 hours to get from Bangalore to London, and four movies! I quite like the flat screens on the backs of the seats in front. They even...
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skull skull skull skull skull skull It's good bye then skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
The hegemony of sitting here with the will to write something, and such gorgeous alternative views to take, on this site,SGs rather than the daily blog. Post xmas blues, not for me, so much to look forward to. A great trip planned for the end of the month.
What of Xmas past now? It just seems like the sale is now on, oh this dear...
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I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word of what you posted in my journal, it didn't make any sense. I understand your point of view, but you didn't really address any of mine...Anyway, we all have the right to be different around here!
In Britain, there is already widespread public support for a primate ban:
-At a 2002 public inquiry, Cambridge University failed to convince the government-appointed planning inspector of the scientific validity of using primates in research.
-A 2003 NOP poll commissioned by Animal Aid showed that a majority of the UK population is opposed to primate experiments. Only 40 per cent believed that they are acceptable.
- More than 150 MPs signed Early Day Motion (EDM) 1704 - tabled in February 2006 - calling for a ban on the use of primates.
- More than 150 animal protection groups around the world are now backing a ban on primate experiments

All animals are highly sentient, but the similarity of non-human primates to people means the ethical case for the research is sustainable no longer. The above fact from Animal Aid's current magazine (Winter, 2006) do not show how fickle Government can be on formation of Parliamentary Bills. Much like a two horse race the tables only turn when there are mishaps-accidents, I think we humans call that protest sometimes. Many contrary statements during this year gone, were made about circus animals and supporting their performances, but at the last moment; Acts were created which prohibited animal use. We might thank the Labour party for that.

What a scam protection law can be however. Who needs it afterall- us or the animals? So is there necessarily, moral victory? Yes, because science is built upon heuristics which require the support of new hypotheses and not the support of evidence alone, which might be proof of a theorem today; but tomorrow must allow for further development. It deserves better then. In a sense pro-testing; a positive reflection on the collective decision made by individuals.

Merry Christmas without Cruelty