I am not the kind of person who loves. I do not have notions, expectations or even wants of unconditional love. My whole being is based on rational, Machiavellian objectivity. Love is not different. I can only care for somebody as long as it is in my interest to do so.

I am a demanding boyfriend. Not only am I narcissistic, an insomniac, megalomaniac with...
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^^^ I think he was hoping I would read it and award him major brownie points. smile
lol, naw, it's just that if i focus on the good things that i like about you it detracts from the things i dislike about you tongue but a rant about your annoying habbits would have been much less therapuetic i think smile
So, i have had a rather lovely weekend. Recently my girlfriend has become a little lost and i felt it was my job to help her find herself again. I am not entirely altruistic, but then i know of little unconditional love. She looks after me in many many ways, and so i love looking after her in many ways. Plus, when she is happy,...
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kiss kiss kiss
aww thats soo cute! im good thank you how are you?xx
sigh. well i am up unable to sleep again. atleast my gf didn't fall asleep as she did lastnight and not bother to turn up, but i am left largely un-fulfilled. I had a looovely night Monday, the sort of perfect togetherness you never expect to get after 2 and a bit years 2gether. Since then though i just haven;t quite been able to monopolise...
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Erm havent u just got an internship....??

Hmmm def think this site is full of perverted girls wanting to flirt recklessly with each other and look at each others boobies..u love it! x
You're beyond wonderful. I love you. x
so... i am finally getting around to updating this thing. truth is that i have been very very busy at work and so am a little out of the loop with the forums and this place in general. but i think i am feeling pretty good on the whole, my public side especially. Since finishing University i have gone from interview to interview being told...
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Miluji te... can we get a pizza now? wink x
I just watched the new series of House! Much acclaim has been made, and I must admit, as of last seasons recruitment drive for new doctors I have been totally hooked. Likewise, the new double episode was typical of Hugh Laurie, more implausibly unlikely sick scenario's in which I am unsure if they are diagnosing medical conditions or ordering Korean food. Never the less, I...
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smile It's my telephone voice. xxx
I'm currently feeling very dominant, and uncomprimisingly so. I think my girlfriend isn't feeling equally submissive and is probably in need of a hug rather than a spanking, but I feel like if I back down then it will leave me looking weak and the next time I am dom it will have less value and impact. So I'm digging my heels in in the...
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probably the only time i want man utd to win is tonight being english and a leeds fan beating jonny foriegner is a leveller up tha reds,
Let her know whos boss fella but its good to love also 2/3 whos tha daddy 1/3 love lothario.
enjoy the footy dude
So, I'm feeling pretty good 2day. Last night I was awoken by a nice domme girlfriend in anything but a sweet mode, which in my book is like the purrrrfect way to wake up wink Indeed, it's left me feeling remarkably sweet. Hmm tho, I am not quite sure what to do with my bank holiday, so I am sitting here pondering my next move...
Why don't you catch some sun? wink x
because I'm quite happy being in my dark and gloomy poker den ty v.much.... or was it not a suggestion tongue
sooo, anyways... my last blog was a little raw I feel. Since then I've been to bruges and I'm feeling less nutty and recently, my (in)significant other has been going through the same kind of intellectual awakening I did a few years ago. This has saved me the uncomfortableness of deciding whether I should help her on her path, knowing she will probably be less...
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happy birthday you! x
Happy Birthday! Hope things are working out for you wink
You know, I've always looked at the world differently to others, and I suspect that because of this, and because I feel that what I see is better and more accurate, I have disdain for the short sighted masses. I have always looked at a lightbulb and seen the element, the 5th state of matter infact, the glass prison and the metal conductor.

However, recently...
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You are mine, if that helps. blush x
What to say. Hmm. I've never quite fitted into society. Truth is, I think I'm better, and because I am hyper rational I see them as less. I feel the same apathy an experienced professor of vivisection has toward a lab rat. I class myself therefore not as immoral, though other people may class me as such, but amoral. I do not judge the actions...
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hmm the nhs eyy! haha
ha! cheeky cheek bones..u know what, sometimes i just dont know what to say to you haha! x