Sometimes, you can forget how freaking amazing people can be.

Up and down and up and down.

I do it to myself by wanting so much.

Oh well.

Things are going to get better from here. Even if I gotta wait. smile
things will get better buddy!!! you coming out to visit me and oscar sometime????
just visit me, kim's a jerk.
Wishing for contentment
hoping for relentment
venting my resentment
on the happy few

Things have been pretty good lately.

Yet, I still feel so much like something is missing. And that I'm always waiting for something.

Oh well!
I think I need to break out of here.

I'm here for the wrong reasons.

Now I just feel stuck.
Hello Anchor... thanks for the add!! I read your post in the "hopeless romantics"... about how to stop lovin' someone... I know something about that... All people will say to you: "Cut off, one day you'll forget her..." ... For 99% of the probabilities, they are right. But for me, it wasn't so. I still love the girl i should have forgotten many years ago. So, before thinking about "cuttin' all ways", please TRY all ways to HAVE her love. Don't think about pride, it doesn't fill the emptiness. I hope you have some friends that tell you so, and help you. I Wish you luck!!!
I just realized that the only three girls I've really liked for the past few years of my life are all very different physically.

One has blonde hair.
One has red hair.
One has black hair.

One has short hair.
One has shoulder-length hair.
One has long hair.

One has blue eyes (not strictly blue, but whatever).
One has brown eyes.
One has one brown...
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I don't have anyone important to talk to on here anymore. You don't want to be my "friend".
I'm happy, yet sad.

Rather... Bittersweet, I suppose.
I feel stuck and confused right now.

Next week will hopefully be better.

I'm just so sick of always having to wait for something. Rarely do I get to enjoy contentment.
awww bwian. i wuv you. im so happy you'll still be here so we can hang out!!
Sweet Jesus! Thanks for commenting on mine and dorsal's set biggrin
I should have expected some of this, and could never have expected the rest...

But it's all very... Err... Unexpected?

Anyway, as per usual, I can't really explain in detail.

On another (not quite ENTIRELY unrelated) note, I sometimes wish I wasn't such a compulsive liar. Especially when I just want honesty from other people.

I also feel like nobody's ever going to completely get...
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LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIAR! That reminds me of the ytmnd video of Anakin. hm...bored