IN NEED OF ARTIST smile anyone interested?

what I really would like to find are graffiti artist/street artist , but open to all forms of art, any medium, paint, sculpture, music, video, ext.

don't worry, you are totally free as an artist, you just also get to be apart of something bigger that will help get your name out there.

Do not hesitate to contact me...
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Interested ... need more info.
this is what's going on in my life right now

Hope you see
It won't mean a thing to me
I've been doing this too long
Baby girl, I've felt it all
So watch out
If you try to play your luck
Ain't nobody gonna care enough
To catch you fall

So don't you fall in love
Don't make me make you fall in...
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surreal uh oh
Hmmm...surreal is normally good but "uh oh" certainly isn't; should I be concerned for you?
Thanks for the birrthday greets - took the day off work to do some serious smoking so what could be better?

You sure everything is okay. or at least manageable?
its my birthday! wooo haha I can't believe im 24. Def don't feel that old.

My girl rented a car and is coming to visit me today through next sunday! It's here bday today too, crazy right.

I was out at the bars last night cause my friend Colin's bday is the 4th, so I celebrated a little bit at midnight. Got a free shot...
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happy birthday
Happy birthday!
I have insurance and im still going broke from medical bills, and I haven't even had the surgery I need yet.

and i have 3 part time jobs, but on top of that im trying to start my own company so i can do the things i love and not work for assholes. But to do that you need money to get started.

And i...
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I would broadly agree with that last paragraph but add a few caveats:

Despite the fact that it demonstrates empathy and compassion, it has been suggested by some psychologists that we really shouldn't concern ourselves with a lot of the terrible things that are happening throughout the world simply on the grounds that there is reallistically nothing that we as individuals can do to rectify the situation therefore we are causing ourselves unnecessary worry by feeling bad about such things.

It's not all bad. There are many people out there doing a lot of good, performing acts of kindness etc. but that sort of thing is largely "too boring" to be deemed newsworthy. Most media reports on the basis that "if it bleeds, it leads"; it is the sensational and exceptional that is reported on.

Overall life has been, in wide terms, improving - health, life expectancy, standard of living, infant mortality generally improve decade by decade. It seems counter-intuitive but we can probably say that now is the best time to be alive in history.

In general what I am saying is that if you focus on it there is as much good in the world as there is bad.
vics to get me through soccer training, enhanced with a beer right after, then caffine pill to wake me up a bit, then half a blunt on the way to the bar, then 5 drinks while i was there,

home fucked up

all idiots at the bar but most people i knew

about 6 lesbian there so drama of course, none that i was or...
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alcohol and weed are my two best friends, and vics are my 3rd

i live to escape

You should escape to live...
what i made this weekend

music is the greatest espace

this is awesome eeek

Whats in store
But you know
What you here for
Close your eyes
Lay yourself besides me
Hold tight
Love is right
We dont need no protection
Come alone
We dont need attention

Open your hand
Take a glass
Don't be scared
I'm right here
Even tho
You dont roll
Trust me girl
You wanna be...
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life is soooooo annoying

everything about it drives me insane

for every good there are a million bad's
that outlook can bring you down. every positive is a treasure that far outweighs each negative. the trick is celebrating, or even noticing, every single little positive moment, no matter how small or common, since the negative can be overwhelming. i must remind myself of this all the time. kiss
i miss my girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure how much longer I can stand being apart.

and people keep dicking me over and my hate is growing more everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tired of always being mr.nice guy but also tired of being upset all the time

the only good thing about my current frustration with coaching is that it has been the one reason it's hard to leave wooster,...
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