I have been doing a lot better today on all fronts, both physical and psychological health. The time has been one of the most important factors in this change, as well as the realization that what other were perceiving was closer to the truth than my own clouded vision of how things really are. It seems there are impossible tasks, and to try and tackle...
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I think that my month long mixup with depression is finally catching up to me. I thought I would actually make it to my birthday without getting ill too! Ha, no, I spoke to soon. I think I either got what Melissa had (I saw her Saturday, see below), or I got it from Dr. Cherney on Thursday (which would mean that it has a...
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I am not sure if I have alerted the rest of you to a development. I teach a film studies class. It is basically a historical look at American Cinema. But we started the class with Sea-Biscuit this year. We had a number of students who said that there was too much violence and sex in the film. Yes, that is right, 18-22 year olds,...
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Finally we are getting around to dubbing and viewing the first bunch of inaugural tapes that we have for the documentary. Right now I am watching the tape that Josh and I took on the wrong side of Pen Ave. There is a lot of really shaky camera work, some of this is mine. When the project is complete you will see what I mean....
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*continues to rock on in her music downloading frenziness*

Getting more used to using Apple Pages. This was a good weekend, it saw a visit from one of my best friends, the mathematician Eric. We had a few discussions about travel and toys, travel to Europe and toys such as computers and cameras. We also discussed the future of Memengineer. I am assembling a board of directors for it, one of which I am...
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Myself is back and we are having quite a time of things right now. I have to do a number of classes and screenings today, but otherwise all is well. A friend is coming from a distant realm of music and wealth to visit tomorrow night. This weekend will be much discussion of business and future possibilities.
The aesthetics of the midwest are a style...
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This is my first time using the new Apple iWorks for anything. I just got it today, a fall into a little consumer therapy with a depressive return to Oxford. I was in DC for four days of inaugural/counter coverage with a make shift, last minute documentary crew from Miami University. It was the result of me making a comment on going to the inaugrial/counter...
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I havent posted to any of my blogs in some time. Nothing real productive is going on in my life right now. I have slacked off in a kind of inspiration-less depression for a while. It seems as though I have been experiencing a general lack of connection with most of those people I see around me most of the time. I am catching up...
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"It seems as though I have been experiencing a general lack of connection with most of those people I see around me most of the time."

I can completely relate to this right now.

Glad to see you are still around. wink
Yea, thanks for the comment! Things just bottomed out with Pamela, I don't think there is any hope of salvaging anymore. Too bad too, oh well, I am in post relationship depression day 2.5... take care.

I have been AWOL for some time. I thought that I would update this before the election as the Day of Judgment is on the morrow. The reason I have been absent is that things have improved with Pamela, in fact they have gotten better than ever; there are a few significant issues that remain however, and I will report on those as more becomes...
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Woah. Hey where have you been? No update in almost a month!?

Hows things going with Pamela? Curse it. Maybe thats why you have been so distant. mad confused tongue wink
I think that my curse is the curse of timing. It is as if I am continually tortured by infinite space between when I should arrived and when I am late. In some respects I was born 2500 years late, and that I could have at least taken Aristotles place, other times it is as if I am 1500 years late, and the dark ages...
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