New Fractal set and new Mary set. Be still my heart. love
It's raining cats and dogs in Philly.

Where the hell did that expression come from anyway?
Raining cats and dogs

A very hard rain.

We decided to cancel our trip, it was raining cats and dogs that day.

When the bubonic plague was rampant in London, humans where apparently not the only victims of the plague. Cats and dogs were also afflicted, many died in the streets. After a particularly hard rain, street gutters could be awash in the bodies of cats and dogs.

Another theory suggests that thunder and lightning represent a cat and dog fight.

Yet another traces the origin of the phrase to ideas in ancient mythology that cats could influence the weather, and that dogs were a symbol of the wind.

Thanks to Ron Akers

This phrase goes back many hundreds of years to the Dark Ages. The cat was thought by sailors to have a lot to do with storms. Witches that were believed to ride in the storms were often pictured as black cats.

Dogs and wolves were symbols of winds and the Norse storm god Odin was frequently shown surrounded by dogs and wolves. In the phrase "raining cats and dogs", cats symbolize the rain and dogs represent the wind of the storm.

Thanks to Betty Ann Masuno
hey lady.

wow... it's been a while. hope things are well with you wink
18 Days and counting.

Spring spring spring... I can't wait for spring. Flowers and birds and green things and SUNSHINE!!!
yea, my mum is kinda one of my best friends so working with her is one of the benifits to that job. Unlike my current/previous coworker and employers, I know she has half a brain andwill treat me like I do as well. That would be a nice change of pace.... wink
It was nice talking to you...... smile
"My relationship with cats has saved me from a deadly, pervasive ignorance."
- William S. Burroughs

Cheers Cutie. Hope all is well nella sua vita.
Nice quote smile... well its getting down to the wire, i am doin laundry at the moment.. so i can pack it all up... tokmorrow i have to go around and have papers signed, talked to some people, ingeneral get abunch of crap done and out of the way. This will be a very hard next few days, i dont have alot of time and alot of stuff to get done, wish me luck.
Till Next Time

Smiles everyone smiles. Maybe it's just that easy. Perhaps if we could all just decide to feel good and happy and satisfied with life in it's many incarnations than we would.

I have a feeling this is one of those things that is quite simple to grasp but not at all easy to do, like creating good art.

I thank you all for being out...
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You've turned hope into a four-letter word, dammit.

And love may not be far behind.

Love is not enough to keep two people together. And it was a hard lesson to learn how to care about someone without actually being with someone.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that love is the only emotion, once re-discovered, capable of making you forget you even even had any idea about what it was in the first place.

Or something like that. I forget. smile
I promise you I am right. In fact, I have never been more certain of anything.

And before you fall in love again... before you find another person to fill your life... before you move away from the dreary northeast (and you should... really... come back that is)...

You're going to remember how much you loved yourself during the time you were in love with somebody else.

Then you're going to realize that you're the same incredible, amazing person you were back then...

and you'll love yourself again.

Then everything else falls into place. Someone else falls in to take up space.

I promise.
Edited to say: Hurray it's my Birthday! I'm going to Manhattan to play!

New job started. I am saturated in Japanese words. Soon I will know all things sushi. Did you know that somethings ovary is a kind of sushi. Yeech!

Sorry if I am neglectful for a bit.
Happy b-day hun! hope you found all kinds of fun in Manhattan.
Where's my baby!? frown
Tonights full moon will complete the month long moving-out cycle. I didn't even realize what I had done until I was in the car. The moon was full the first and the last time I drove away from my old place, my old life.

I'm watching my kitties military crawl around the house, smelling everything. If only my own period of acclimation were as simple....
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Computer dependent sounds bad I know. But when I'm away from it for a few days, although it's a healthy feeling, I also feel like I'm missing something.

Absolutely agreed that computer over tv is a good thing. Aside from cruising SG I do actually frequent sites where I learn new things and better myself in some way.

Sorry to hear about your work situation.
Charming assistant..I dunno? Charming subject...sure!
(could be another one of those escapist diversions)
smile have a great weekend
oh, that's more than enjoying a computer, that's enjoying independance !
Burning CDR's, chatting up with people; being able to surf the damn planet searching for something that make the brain going " hmmm....this is interesting..."
a new breed are we saying ? i'm burning my eyes while i'm feeding my thoughts.

bon week-end. oh, funny that, there's no real equivalent in ze french. I would have to say bon samedi et bon dimanche smile

jimmy kiss
After three...can't sleep. I think I'm in a holding pattern. I don't want to leave the life I know and yet I know that life is over. I'm up trying to figure out what's next. It's futile. What will be will be.
it gets better...hang in there. And I hated L.A. Went to SF and loved it.
We are having the craziest rainyest windyest storm ever. It feels like my little house may blow away and I couldn't be happier. Nothing better than a good excuse to stay wrapped up in a blanket in your pajamas on the couch. Mmmm. I wink
a rebirth?... for us?! perhaps. these days i cant help when i watch tv to think it would be best for a rebirth for all mankind. i am in a very dreamy state it seems... Many days i wish i was born in midevil time instead of the currentevil times if you will. everything seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. sorry... i am drunk and depressed. i tend to get this way sometimes.
