So I might still have a job, I find out tomorrow.

If not I'll just find a much better one that doesn't pay like $6/hr

Wow it's been awhile since I last wrote, not alot going on really, I have 5 lessons left til Graduation!! biggrin
Probably going to party tonight since it's a Utah holiday and all.
Gotta find a new job very soon.
I think that's about it for now.

So since I last wrote I turned 22 and went to the shittiest Warped Tour to date which I missed half of because I had to work.
My birthday was simple but amazing I went to the spa for my first massage which was just what I needed I felt perfect afterwards, then I ate Better Than Sex cake which was scrumptious, then my Mom...
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That sucks, I had a similar warped tour experience. I only got to see 2 of the bands I really cared about. I was most looking forward to Gym Class Heroes and Pennywise, but I had to leave early too. I had a familly BBQ to go to. Oh well, last year's line up was way better.
So lately not much has been going on just hanging out with friends, drinking and occasionally popping dramamine. I am going to finish school this month for sure. My birthday is also coming up on the 25th I'm excited but I have nothing planned. I'm looking for a new job, trying to buy an new car and eventually move out.

New picture=new hair (unfinished) but have a look-see
That hair has to be finished by now right?
Sadly my hair isn't totally finished, I'll try to be done and get pictures up by Sunday!

Also my work sucks and isn't giving me any hours so I have almost all of next week off but I have nada to do so I guess it's schoolwork timee which is good I need to finish.

Well I'm off to go watch Sweeney Todd cuz I...
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Tell me how the movie is will you? I haven't seen it either...
hope you enjoyed sweeney todd and that you find some things to get into on your time off smile
I'm so fucking excited for the show on 5/22 Aiden and Schoolyard Heroes WOOOOOOO!!
That's awesome, Good for you smile