Feeling better.. smile
good. smile
big kiss for a guy than i love :d kiss
So I have been drunk on and off, mostly on, for about 4 or 5 days now. I'm severely depressed, and I feel helpless. I don't know what to do, or who to turn to. I don't mean to type this as a sympathy card, I just wanted to let you all know, who know and talk to me in real life, that if I...
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And dont you fucking hippies tell me that alcohol isn't the answer, and that I'm only drowning my problems and shit. I know what I'm doing, and I know my limits. I know when to stop, and I know when I'm doing stupid shit. I'm not an idiot. Don't treat me like one. I'll come around, this is just my way of dealing with shit.
I bought another guitar pedal today....Someone help me. I'm out of control. this makes 7 guitar pedals in about 2 weeks...I have about a dozen now. I don't know what some of them do, but they look pretty on my pedalboard. tee hee.

oh yeah. Is anyone good with photoshop? Let me know. Does anyone play bass? Let me know that too.
You could spend your money on me instead smile

jk miao!!
Is anyone really good with Photoshop here? Want to make me a logo for my band? 83 Floating Cubes. I'll give you a big hug if you do. Also, I think my other band is ending. Since the guitar player broke his arm we all grew apart. It's weird to think about considering its only been like a month, but whatever. I'm still going to...
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Happy new year everyone. Had too much to drink with too many people. I'm kind of hung over, my throat hurts cuz my band played a make-shift show. I lost my shirt. I put my balls on my buddies head. I played a lot of wii. Apparently I'm amazing at bowling. I ate alot of pizza. Then alot of chips. I got some random chicks...
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oh yeha, I forgot to mention I kissed everyone there. What a bunch of fags. And by some weird cosmic coincidence all the guys were wearing wife-beaters, it was fucked.
Sounds a little bit like my night! Hope you are feeling better! Happy 2007! miao!! kiss
I just bought *ANOTHER* guitar pedal.....goddamn it I'm a whore...

but I love the effects so much....
Ok, so...x-mas. well I wasn't expecting much, and I wasn't disapointed. I asked for a delay pedal, but I didn't get it. I got a different one. Which turned out to be a better pedal so yay!. I got the usual things, socks boxers, gift certificates, a fucking WAD of cash. that kinda crap.

how was all your holidays?

Yesterday? I think it was yesterday....it...
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How do you get the contacts to go to japan teach english? that rocks!
I was thinking of doing that this year, I had the interview all set as well. But in the interview they wanted me to do a 30 minute presentation, pretending they were the students. I couldn't be arsed to create the presentation at the time. Plus I kinda chickened out on the idea.

Which agency are you going to be teaching for?

Anyway i'm sure you'll have an awesome time. One day I'd like to do it. biggrin
Hey everyone, this is going to be a quick update plus lyrics to a new song i wrote.

So, i started a new band. I'm still in my other one, this new band is just for fun. We don't have a name yet, but we have all the members and are currently writing and practicing. There are only three member in this band. Steve on...
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PS. I forgot to mention I wrote those lyrics when I was completely hammered. hahaha
Wow, it's been awhile. Oh well. I'm still here kinda. I fainted yesterday for some reason, and woke up bleeding pretty badly from my head. it was pretty awesome. Tekky was kind of worried so I made sure it wasn't like a giant gash or anything. It turns out it was just a little cut. What a pussy eh? Whatever. I have been playing my...
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haha awe thanks smile *blushy face*
hey stupid, update. tongue
Bunnduh heh uh
Bunndeh heh uh
bunndeh heh uh
bubndeh heh uh
bunndeh heh uh

bunndeh heh uh
bunndeh heh uh
bunndeh heh uh

owblublulchichicowowohahahahahoo oo oo oo

ch ch ch chich ch ch
ch ch ch chich ch
ch chich ch ch chich
ch ch


goooa chichka chika
choco chika chika
sheeepikapu uh shea uh sheepaku
sheka owa skapu sheka owa owa...
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Hey dude

hope you're doing well. kiss
I like Mike Patton! miao!!
Hey everyone. I'm starting an experiment. it will test the physical and mental abilities of my body. im staying awake for 72 hours. i just woke up. so its been 24 minutes.

thats right people. 72 hours without sleep. it may not sound like alot of time to some of you people, but if your one of those people i invite you to my house...
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i wouldn't kick you.
you might break.
Wow. While at the same time this sort of retarted behaviour should in no way be encouraged, it's still a pretty big accomplishment. One that I find pretty impressive. I find the concept completely backwards that someone would want to know if they could not sleep for that long. I'm happiest when I'm sleeping all the time.

Anyway, staying up that long sheerly through force of will is pretty cool.