Less than 40 days and back home.....this deployment has dragged by so slowly.....120 degree weather....kiss my ass!!!! Time to do some fucking, drinking, and getting more ink!!!
what ink you gettin done?
I plan on finishing my sleeve....have a piece in mind for my inner bicep and my tricep. Then continue the smoke all the way up my arm to my shoulder, chest, and back.....can't wait....then onto my right arm....what to do...what to do
Happy Mother's Day to all your beautiful, sexy, and wonderful mothers!!!kiss
Alright already....I get it...it's summer time here in Afghanistan,,,,but does it have to get over a 100 everyday? Do the AC units have to break down in the hottest part of the day.....come on give us a little help.....and I swear I saw the devil sitting by the pool with a drink in his hand just hanging out....this place sucks....and just think people fight over...
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Yeah, I know not all guys in the military are that way, but I seem to be a magnet for the ones who are. It's sickening some of the comments that have been made in my direction. What I don't get is how some of these guys expect girls to react to them. I mean, if a guy looks at me and yells out, "Hey, baby! Nice DSLs. Why don't you come over here, get on yours knees, and make it hard for me?", what exactly does he think is going to happen? As if i'm going to walk over there and put my hands all over him, telling him he's the sexiest man i've ever seen and beg him to let me suck on it. Ew! That guy would be lucky to walk away without a broken nose, because I don't put up with that crap and i'll start swinging if I have to. (Though I usually won't go that far, unless they grab/touch me.) I'm sorry but what the hell ever happened to real gentlemen? Talk to me like the lady that I am, or don't talk to me at all.

By the way, 85 by 5am?! Iccckkkkkk. I am not a fan of the heat. If I were you, i'd be walking around with some sort of portable a/c unit strapped to by body 24/7. Lol. Something that would generate power from solar panels, and run all night off of back-up batteries. OMG... That would be awesome. biggrin
Well unfortunately you ran into a boy and not a man...and he sure wasn't raised right. I'm ashamed he wear's a military uniform. A woman should be treat as a woman. I have never met a couple who when asked how they met started off with...."Well Robert called out to me and told me how great my DSL's looked and I blew him...and the rest is history...."

The heat today isn't that bad...it rained this morning out of nowhere and so I'm not sure if its going to make this afternoon worse....but at least there is a breeze....
Happy Easter to all my friends.....have a wonderful day!!
Happy Happy Easter. Hope you have a good one =)
Well...it took me 6 days to get from Fort Carson, CO....then to DFW airport to ATL....to Shannon, Ireland to Kuwait...to KAF in Kandahar, Afghanistan and now finally to my home away from home...CNS (Camp Nathan Smith)...all in all it was a good trip and hey I'm safe right.....
Glad you made it safely.
You better keep safe! Be careful hun!biggrin
Heading back to the sand box today....already flew from Colorado to Texas....tomorrow starts the long journey back to that shit hole for three more months...god help me!!!
Stay safe smile
Good luck!
Been out of the loop for a little while.....Afghanistan hasn't been a pleasant place to be these past 9 months...home for two weeks with the family and looking to unwind.....missed you ladies...
Thanks for the add! smile
I have a huge love for women with ink and piercings....the way women express who they are by showing it on their canvas is breath taking....each person is an expression of art in their own eyes..of how we see ourselves...
Welcome to SG love..I approve of this blog! biggrinkiss
Right on!