Been lazy about updating this.

So end of Feb, I highsided off my motorcycle. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Bruised ribs, sprained wrist/shoulder/calf/knee. I could walk, but have been sore for the last month.
I have to say people who ride motorcycles and don't wear helmets/good gear are crazy. Most likely I'd be dead or still messed up if it wasn't for my gear.
The NEW BMW...
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it's like 2004 all over again
Went for a ride early Saturday morning, it was chilly out when I started, but it warmed up, and ended up being a beautiful ride. So spoiled with the weather lately. Course we'll all pay with the drought comming on, but at least I'm enjoying the nice weather and taking advantage.
It was clear weather on the Coast, blue skies, and no fog. I don't...
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Sounds almoust like Jim morrison wink
Hey ! Thank for the Love on my new set !

kiss on ya
Saturday I picked up my new motorcycle.
A BMW F800S.
It's pretty awesome. Handles really well, and goes pretty fast :-) though not as fast as some race rep, but way fast enough for me.
Poor motorcycle. So after not being able to fix it myself (partly because I don't have a proper garage) I took my lil Ducati into the shop to have them look at it.
My bike's Dash is Kaput, DONE. It's an almost $800 part. (of course) Plus she needs a 36k mile service, all said and done we're talking $1500, for a bike that...
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Things should now calm down.
Thanksgiving is over! Back from Texas! Fashion Show is DONE! so calm?? please...

Motorcycle is still broke, not enough time or money lately to do anything about it. I might just try and take it down to the shop this week and throw money instead of time at it. I'm just glad the crazy is mostly done for now.
My poor motorcycle is over due for a service, and now is in typical Ducati fashion having electrical problems. Yesterday on the way to work my speedo just... stoped working... and my left turn signal no longer works, no matter which I try to use it just turns on the right side.
So not sure what to do, we don't have enough money to...
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Not the most fun when the bike needs fixing. Still, the speedo and turn signals ought to be easy solves. Message me if you like to discuss. Does your bike have a mechanical cable drive for the speedo?
hi man
} kiss
So yeah I'm excited about having a new president, but I think I would have rather had Prop 8 fail here in CA than have Obama president. Really just that bummed about prop 8. It doesn't even really affect me, I don't have any really close friends that are gay, it's just the inequality of it pisses me off! Sad that CA voters couldn't shoot...
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It's raining. Which means no motorcycling, I will ride in the rain if I have to, but the first rain of the season is not the one to ride in.
So more time for reading, which is nice, the new Erikson book is awesome, and I have Gaiman's Graveyard book still to read.
It's not all bad.
Strange how whenever I get a comment on one of my Entries I tend to think it's time to make a new one.
Things are good. The weather has been strangely warm lately, so I a riding in relative comfort still. But I am shopping for a Heated Vest so my winter riding will continue to be comfortable.
Once again....... im jealous. Its almost tortureous skull