I decided this week on, I'll try to make two post, one with the older topics and one with the atual, as last week I didn't post, today I'll make three.

Are you superstitious? Which superstitions do you believe in?

Yes, I'm very surpersticious, I'm also very religious, Me as a praticer of druidry my beliefs are very connected to how we interact with enviroment...
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End up that I found some spare time to adventure myself in the homework and explore two more topics.

@rambo @missy

What is your hidden talent?

Well I believe I have a great affinity with many things related to arts, I love drawing, paintind, sculpting, writing, and any more form of expression and/or creative process, the only one I can't relate to is photography, for...
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I decided beginning with the blog homework, I swear to try y best and post once or twice a week, today I will make the first and second topics:

If you could invent something what would it be?

Well it probably is something very cliche and fantastical, bit I would be very pleased to invent a tima machine, like the TARDIS, with the possibilities to...
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You're kicking ass at ut