Steelers or Broncos? and does it truly matter since the Plowboys managed to play themselves rght out of contention as of the middle of the season.
oh well, there's always next year (this year if you want to get technical about it).
At this point I find no team to give my alliance to and I have decided to just sit back and truly enjoy...
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Another year, dusted! And I made it thru without a scratch to show for it!!
To all my friends (you know who you are) may this year be as exciting as any, and more forgiving than those past.
Contemplating my first cigar smoke for the year but just can't find the "perfect occasion" to light up. skull
My idea of a perfect occasion? I'm still...
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ok, if one comes to mind let me know smile
you know, the more you talk to me, the sooner you could find a little name for me smile
Does anyone have any idea where this LAST month went?
I want t o go back to worrying about what dish to eat this evening (and I am talking about real food, here) wink Now it's what to bring to the pot luck at work and do I empty the garage or the storage unit first?
I need to talk with somebody who has an insight...
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In the restaurant I work in men typically tip better, the clientele is mainly male, but sometimes a lady will surprise me. smile