Tonight it's a lyric by Yellowcard from there song Back Home

Don't know what I was looking for when I went home, I found me alone
And sometimes I need someone to say, "You'll be all right. What's on your mind?"
But the water's shallow here and I am full of fear, and empty handed after two long years

A friend of mine made a...
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Sounds like a simple question doesn't it?

Well the truth is that question is about the most complicated thing you could ask me.

So whats on my mind?

An amazing woman who I've been talking to for a few weeks. She is 2 years older than me and has two kids and that does make me a little nervous because I'm only 24 and have...
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So it's been about a week since I became a single man. And its a weird feeling for me. I was in a relationship for the last 4 years. Its weird for me to wake up in the morning and not call/text her or have her next to me. All in all though I can't really say I miss her. We broke up because I...
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Hugs :)

It's amazing where your mind can wander while your staring at a term paper. You know its not gonna write and revise itself but your mind is everywhere but. It always happens when I sit down to write something that isn't coming from my heart but just getting put out for some one or something else.

Today, at least for a little bit my mind...
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The optimist has the heaviest heart,
Though he hides it from the world.
That smile holds him together,
Projects a confident facade.
On the outside his eyes smile deceptively,
Inside a tear rolls slowly down his cheek.
It's a guise he can't remove,
Praying it sinks past skin deep.

I still feel this way most days. I can smile and laugh in

the face of...
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something missing

something gone

something vacant

somethings wrong

the world builds up

and it breaks down

and we struggle

not to frown

blood and smiles

sweat and tears

we raise a glass

and toast our fears

for they made us

who we are

but remember

we've come so far

It's been a few years since I've written that and it's still one of the pieces...
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