Why, Oh Why, can't I meet a sane person!

I'm not sure if I am reading into this too much or if she falls into the crazy category.

A couple weeks ago, someone I grew up with and I caught up on facebook. Now, she's been my "friend" on facebook for a while, but we never really chatted beside the odd comment on a...
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Well, I was going to do the Accent Challenge but was let down when my computer decided not to find my webcam...which is awesome. Was trimming my goatee which has gotten pretty long, and slipped and took a big chunk out of it, so I had to trim it back down short again, my clippers stopped half way through shaving my head....what a perfect Sunday...
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@quill, I don't really mind the job, I could use with a week off, a hammock, and nothing to do. Nice to see someone familiar with Jax on here, I live right outside of OP.
@Lith, yeah, that are all pretty great. I like the 3rd one down. The nurse one is pretty great.
My Proposed Facebook timeline when it comes out:

Sometime January 1974: I'm conceived by immaculate conception, cause we know parents don't "do it", that's just...weird. Scientist dispute this fact...they are wrong.

July 1974: My mom is undoubtedly wearing bright polyester leisure suit or bell bottoms, has a hormonal imbalance making her crave pickles and watermelon. I believe these things are a direct link to why...
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You're welcome smile
After year off, I decided to give Suicide Girls another go smile
Sons of Anarchy...

I could handle a life of outlaw bikerness..

minus the shootings, stabbings, being burnt, set on fire, falling off a bike, and death...

hot chicks with tattoos is a plus...

I'd ride a vespa trike...just to confuse people...

thank you for the love on my set! appreciate it a lot xoxokiss
So it's been a while since I last blogged.

New happenings around me.

Work is going well, this hurricane on the east coast has everything a little crazy since I work in Boat insurance. But, my promotion kicks in this October, which is going to be pretty great, double my current salary, flex time, and a chance to fly around the country to different boat...
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Once again, I believe myself reaching a moment of clarity only to find myself more confused and feeling like a Jackass.
So...it was a incredibly long day today. Seeing how I didn't get much sleep last night probably had something to do with it.

So, it's about 10:30 pm and my phone rings and it's a friend of mine I have known since I dunno...the 4th grade or something. She lives in Savannah, Ga., and we keep in touch through text, email and phone..about twice of...
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A little "Austrian Death Machine" for you.

well I survived another day. So that's a plus.

and Converse has new Metallica Chuck Taylor's.

Metallica Chuck Taylors