Twas the night of Christmas... and the children all tucken in their beds... Mom ran to Nana and Papas and helped set up the wonderful display for two sleeping children... GAB and Furbies all set to run, everything here was just getting fun...

tongue I suck at poetry... anyhow, we are all set for the waking of children to their stash... We look forward to seeing...
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Merry Xmas hon' biggrin i'll try and make an appearance tonight biggrin kiss kiss kiss

love ARRR!!!
Happy Solstice and stuff
so when you going grey
Twas the night of Christmas... and the children all tucken in their beds... Mom ran to Nana and Papas and helped set up the wonderful display for two sleeping children... GAB and Furbies all set to run, everything here was just getting fun...

tongue I suck at poetry... anyhow, we are all set for the waking of children to their stash... We look forward to seeing all possible on TAA... smile


I know how you feel hon'. I miss him too frown
Your more than welcome darlin' and I hope you and your hubby have a great Xmas biggrin kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I am sick of being sick... I stayed late Tuesday at work to make aragrments for a sub on Wednesday so I could sleep all day... Instead I spent the day taking care of insurance needs after being rear ended on my way home Tuesday... I am fine and luckly the kidos were not with me... My Blazer's bummper isn't doing so good and we...
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Hope I didn't dishearten the kids on "Uncle tims a grump!" lol
Hiya. Damn drivers!! Glad to hear your ok!! Been so busy myself, hardly had time to come on the net recently,hoping to catch up, hope your doing fine. Apyx smile

I need to post and have nothing to post...

Thanksgiving holliday here... there are small wonders that still make me smile...

Been working like made and Aversin has been working harder...

Wish there was more to say... but perhaps just saying I am alive and doing okay will be enough for now... nothing interesting to add to that...

I hope this finds all well...
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prolly a week and a halfor so lol..
Horror maven, whips, pain - how coud I not ask you to be a friend? biggrin
I am past due on my update...

I am treading water and I hate that... I just keep fooling myself and thinking I am going to get a handle on things and setting myself up for failure... So you say, well stop that, hmmm... sometimes, you just can't stop natural phenomena...

I also need to rant and since I have your attention or you are...
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Can I be rude and take my time to say hello and all that fun stuff, rather than bitch about something that is not going to change, and worse? Nobody even tries anymore...That is why it is too fuckin silly to even want to think about anymore...The world IS, indeed, going insane, m'dear. Just be glad you have them X-Ray specs that allow you to see shit for what it actually is.

Oh...and a HUGE Hug and Hell-O!!! How are you? I am in shock! I come in here to update, its been over a week or so, and most of the folks I have been to? Are actually worse than I am at updating! LOL! I don't feel so bad now... I was sure It was just me..But no. I also sensed that several others have suddenly 'dropped' off the planet...Strange.

Anyhow...I have people goin grey, and people who surprised me with goin grey, and I just told Ave,
"Methinks it is time to go into plan B, as in the 'Lifeboat' plan..."

Will talk soon Doll! kiss

skull SS
Yup, it's a crazy backwards, ultra frustrating situation! The fact people still have hair from pulling it out watching things happen like that is amazing. I sympathise Zaya.Anyway, just jumping into to wave you a huge hello, sorry I've not been in touch, I'm attempting to catch up with pretty much everything. It seems this month and last, people have been sucked into some kind of "being busy" vortex including myself.Hope life is treating you brilliantly otherwise and hope to catch up in TAA chat at one point.smileApyxxxx.
Halloween adventure #1

We went/worked the kids Kooky Karnival lastnight... The kids had a great time even tho there was limited items they could do... This used to be the best place to take kids here in town... but now... instead of tons of candy and activites they get cheep ass plastic toys and candy I won't let them eat cause it looks like it...
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Yahoo needs a spanking then!! wink

Zaya, I'm mobile 24/7 well 24/7 that I'm awake lmao. I'll be dallas for a few days, moving pops, then off to go get lai, doing a fuck across texas I think smile

"Kooky Carnival". I love it! biggrin I want to go to one! We wouldn't have any place here with "kooky" in the title. frown Instead, we would probably have a fun fair with a title like "Very serious Funfair place where you can bring your kids, pay 4 for candy floss, and maybe have a shot on the Spinning tea cups ride but nothing else because that would be too much fun" and then you would stomp about in the place in the rain and maybe win a coconut. Kooky Carnival would kick this place's ass. If it wasn't a theortical place that is! But it's probably pretty close to what we would get here. wink
Hope you had a great halloween! Speak to you soon. Apy.
20 things about me??

Shit okay here I go

1. I am highly empathic have been all my life

2. I wanted to be a writer and gave up

3. I can drink tequila with ease my granddad made sure that I was immune to the effects (long ass story)

4. I am red neck at heart

5. I used to barrel race yes rodeo...
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Thanks, I'll check it out.

no no no.. thank you. wink
I wonder if it is fate testing me or if I pissed the Furies off... Something however I do belive is trying to drive me mad...
I had one of my worst nightmares come true Tuesday... (Not my WORST cause that has always been lossing my head... but that is a whole 'nother topic)... I was "observed" by my internship professor Tuesday... and it was...
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yeah im okay just the uni works getting to me and making me hate pc's lolbiggrin
You must write 20 things about yourself that are fun facts...or something...(This wasn't MY idea...)

LOL...HaHa! Too late! You have been TAGGED! Now you gotta tag 5 more people...AFTER the 20 facts of course...

(see my madpad for more of this stupid game goin around!)

skull SS
Cheating!! Cheating!!

I am way low on time... hellofaweek at work... so I chose to quickly update and answer here quickly and then post to each person when I can... (sorry just been over loaded we are taking a district test this week and I have to get all kinds of paper work done frown)

Chewy will be moving... unfortunately this was not the right...
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Heya Lady!!

Yup...I am actually here, and smackin my head cause I think I should of just stayed away, and followed Dr's orders, But alas, with the wonderful new site to be born to use as a tool to wreak Horror Havoc on the net , compliments of your loverly man) and with Hallowe'en here (Best fuckin time of year, always been my fave) I have been hired for so many gigs, I hope I wont fuck up my knee just so I can screen Horror and get dirty looks from all the women in the place (Always happens...I don't have a fucking clue why these bitches always have a problem with me and the way I look JUST to screen and host horror fliks...)

(Ill go epic here...I gotta keep it short, under 1,000 words, right Mrs.Zaya?)
I am gonna try and start keepin in touch more via IM with you guys...as I will tell you ALL about soon...
I hope you are well, and the spawn still lovin the Zombie(LOL!)!

Slimy Smooches Doll! kiss
skull SS
yay for Chwey!! biggrin he looks cute
He's got nice varied colouring, much better than those boring all brown or all white dogs you see. smile He looks fun, how's he settling in?
And how's your self?
I had the most wonderful day... well nay... 24 hours...

Last night while grading papers a gust of wind came in the screen door and blew everything onto the ground... As I have stated before I listen quite closely when nature speaks to me I went outside and found the winds of the Crone blowing After a good long session of listening and enjoying the...
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THATS exactly why he is probably my oldest and bestest fiend around when it comes to this cyber-culture...
I have actually been wanting to have a chat with you...Strangely enough, I come here to see what fun is lurking in the mind of Zaya, and I am so pleased to hear that you have had the experience, but also that it is of one that is not only made you elated so to want to scream it till it shouts alone...But also that I KNOW you really are as happy as you say you are...I have always thought that you were a very gifted, and as should be, elated, powerful tour de forse that sweeps from beneath the feet of those that walk without sight.

It's funny...I had to finish up all the paperwork of finalizing my Mothers death on paper, and also this knee surgery has made me feel utterly out of touch as I have found that walking is a good thing...something I am going to do again..(I wasn't given these legs for nuthin!)

Anyways...NOW? Im babbling...and I aint no brook...
I'll talk to you soon Doll...
Take Care Lady...Ka (That's Egyptian for "May your deepest soul [Ka] be satified and pure")

Smooches kiss

skull SS