Well, it's late late Sunday and I am (as usual) trying to get the most out of whee-kend before Monday starts. 7 mins to go. At least I've got some friends there to chat with. I think I've reversed my desire to go cyber (work out of home) in spite of the 40 mins door to door commute.

Having been divorced last year, I've got...
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Yeah - seemed like kinda a bit of a "let down" ending. Oh, well, just the textures are really cool so if you just aproach it like that you'll probably be better off smile. (picture the voice of steve irwin in your head "Look at the beautiful colors mate! but don't try this at home, she's DANGEROUS!")

I had no idea that was the most expensive anime ever made and that they stopped and restarted production because they ran out of money (IMDB and SG are wonderful things smile ) - I need to get Nausicaa but haven't yet frown.

Yup, mine's coming up soon - I should post my wish list wink lol.

Altho at this point it's just another day, yaknow? no party, mostly no presents, altho I do take the day (or two days in this case as it's on a thursday this year) off from work - yay me! wink

And you're welcome. biggrin
Life continues and as i re-read my old posts I am whizzed back through so many memories of what has gone before. I hope I still have some friends out there to say hello to again. Please say hi if you are an old or new friend.

Michael smile
Cool!! I'm starting to make friends in SD. I just had my first friend request. All are welcome. Thank you for the hello skling. Look forward to chatting with you more.

Holy Shit! You work for Cox? Would you mind answering some technical questions sometime? See I'm planning on buying my first new PC very soon and I want to make sure it's compatible with your guys's service. (i've been using my mom's old POS which has just always had Cox on it. blush )

And I'm not sure what classes my friends are taking in SF, except my friend Caroline@nowhereproductions.com who is going to Cal Arts. You should visit her site sometime; right now it's just a short comic book about a duck named Leonard, but it's enough to show you what an awesome artist she is.
Are you pimping Cox, here, too?

It just never stops!

I even mentioned retention/satellite in my profile, that's how addicted to Cox I am.
I just signed up today thanks to friend girlygambit pointing out this awesome place. My pic is 4 years old and I wear glasses.

Hi Girlygambit. smile
You have the power to edit your own comments after you have posted them. In case you want to correct spelling or clarify something or.. whatever. smile

Thanks for stopping by my page. It is hard getting used to all the links and sites here but before you know it we'll all be less than virgin new. biggrin

I look forward to talking to you more so please come back and say Hi again. smile

Heya! I'm no very new but i have a really low post-count! You seem like a good-natured gentleman. I'm sending you my friend request now, mmk?