um. wow tequila can go straight to hell. last night was pretty nuts. I have no clue where my car is. I am somehow home and in pjs... i must investigate this matter. I think there might have been an after bar at megan's then I might have walked home...I slightly remember my hot friend joe. The bong is out. There are 2 beer bottles...those...
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Ugh, that's no good.
Check it: Vanessa got a Sailor Moon tattoo

HA. I am envious.
Shitty night at work...no money.... come home to find my asshat roommate broke the effing slide in my bong... I have had that bong for like 12 hours. Dick. Fuck face won't let me use his bubbler unless he is there. I leave the fucking house and dick for fucking brains takes my bong and fucking breaks it. douche...no KADOUCHE like ka bang. only douchie...
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Did you tell him he needs to give you some money now?

Here, have some YouTube goodness to cheer you up.

And speaking of pot...

kiss kiss kiss

I am am stoned out of my gourd and watching figure skating. I bought a new smoking toy.

Madison's Halloween bash was last night. It was sorta crazy . I made a pretty chunk oh change last night at the bar. I only worked 3 hours and made 200 and some change. NIIIIIICE.

The best thing about hallowqueen is Sitting on your porch the next...
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Ha! The walks of shame. biggrin I think you and your friends sound great. skull

i am going to the derby!!! yea! My roommate is going to possibly pick up chicks... I am going to go. Then I have too work. boo

BUT it will be all good. No worries

kisses .

You're gonna work, all right...work that ass!

wink biggrin

You mean like the ROLLER derby? Or am I misinterpreting that? shocked
AHHHH hallo SG Land. My goodness it has been a while. I don't believe I have anything to really report. I just have a feeling that someone wants me to update. I just got my internet back and running. I have lazy internet. SLow, lazy, and cheap internets. ::SIGH::

I want to go on a vaccay does anyone have any ideas where a gal can...
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I have nothing to report, either. JOBLESSNESS AHOY
ALSO: I didn't call you when I was in WI? Because I am a liar or something? Anyway, I spent most of the time I was there watching Futurama with D and D and helping them rip up carpeting. The primary reason I went was to go to a party that Jenny's family was having. It was pretty kick ass. One of her brothers got really plowed and gave me about five hugs before we left that night, it was hilarious.
So, for the sake of getting my car fixed I will be in a Packers jersey for my bar shift. I really wanted to wear my bears shirt but I need money and Packer fans are assholes. Hahah Just kidding I love you guys... yeah toadally
Silly Cheesehead.

That is hilarious.

I'll be in WI this weekend. I will call you.
SO girl here is single again... I am afraid of commitment and an asshole. OH and I ripped a gouge in the side of my car... with a fire hydrant. I is a pissed
ACK. Email me your boy troubles. Also, I can send you my work email so that you can message me during the week. As long as you don't send me dirty things. My company watches my email because they are tyrants.
I apologize for the suckier members of my gender. tongue

Alright gang it is official, I have a boyfriend. I am off the market.

sorry boys

No, seriously, good luck and happy times! smile
SO, I guess I need to start saving up money. My uncle is planning a trip for us to the Philippines. Woot.
w00t, indeed!

I have been reading a lot as of late. It is so damn hot I find it is the best way to stay cool.
50 points and my undying love to whom ever figures out where this passage comes from...

"Centuries ago sailors on long voyages used to leave a pair of pigs on every deserted island. Or they'd leave a pair of goats. Either...
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Would that be Mr. Chuck Palahniuk?

BTW, what kind of points are these? Brownie Points? Bonus Points? Are they redeemable for things? Because I could really use some eating out @the Y, if you follow me. wink

An email to a friend of mine...

I just got stoned in the garage...probably too stoned really.
It was really good seeing you. i wish we could hang out with each other more. i miss you yo!
I really wish that yo was in font that looked like the Yo from yo mtv ramps... raps not ramps. That would be a fucking hilarous tv show....
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HA! biggrin

I'm doing all right. You know how it goes when you first move, everything is sort of fucked up right now. WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF. It is annoying.