i am still asleep. today is not goint to be a good day...we have to go the vet to (possibly) put my 13yo cat down. we noticed the other day that he has a...well...from top of the foot to his crotch on the inside of his back leg has no hair and is oozing, bloody, pussish, slimey, etc.

hes not a happy camper.

other than...
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i love my wife...................................................

that just about sums it up!
you will never know how much i love and miss you. i miss you when you go to the bathroom really early in the morning and spend too much time in there getting caught up in a book. i miss you when you sneak off somewhere to smoke a cigarette. i miss you when you are doing the dishes and im not in the same room as you are...thats why i prefer that i make dinner while you help do them.

right now...RIGHT NOW i miss you very very much.

in less than 48 hours you come home and i cant wait...well, i suppose i can wait but i want you here now. not because anything is going wrong but just because i need something to wrap my arms around and the dog doesnt always cut it. YOU.

i will always follow you into the dark.............

(cause i got this nifty flashlight that will always light our way......its called US!)
I'm not going to approve the lathe group because I doubt there are enough people on the site to keep it active. I recommend starting ath read in the music forum and see if anyone else o the site even has a lathe.

good luck.
