Eh... my head is a lot more clear since the last post. It's just that we work real hard to get the stuff we've recieved and it's a bummer to see someone get it without all the work. Anyways, today was a pretty boring day. Other than getting paid, nothing exciting happened. I am probably going to go buy Wario Ware for my Wii. I'm...
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Goddamn, everytime I turn around, another one of my friends somehow scores a bitchin' deal and they all get the hookup. It's pretty fucking retarded. I've been a musician now since I was 14 and i've never recieved the royal treatment and the exclusive contract. So, today when I found out that a mate I used to be in a band with has a CD...
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I am so very glad that Kevin no longer has a girlfriend. He seems to have regained all of his energy. I'm very much greatful that his energy is being focused towards the band. It's highly likely that if he were still dating this chick, the tracks that were mastered tonight and the night before, would've never have been done. Now, he's all about getting...
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I've come to the realization that I no longer feel as though I can be personal in my livejournal. It seems a bit too public to me with having a bunch of friends on it while sharing intimate moments. I believe I will make this journal more active again. Get more personal with it. I really don't mind if a random stranger reads about my...
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HAIKU'S BY 9-10-Do Head (That's me!)

Saturday morning.
Cartoons used to rule the air.
Now new cartoons suck.

Oh, Robot Chicken. bok
I want to take you home now.
Fucking release dates!

Why cell phones are good?
Girls can take pics of their boobs
Then send them to me.

In 'Lost Boys'; tell me...
What's with the guy with the sax?
Freaks me the fuck...
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hi stranger...

YOUR HAIKU IS WONDERFUL!!! haahah it made me wanna poop.

its been soooooooooooooooo long since i've seen you! we should get together sometime nerd! anyway, geez i had no clue you were a member on SG let alone for 3 yrs! wow hahah so like you've totally seen me naked! hahah...

anyway... well... umm... i need to shit.

those are phenomenal

hello fellow desert dweller EL SUICIDO LOCO
oh, yeah... I forgot to mention that I don't update this journal anymore. You can read all about me here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/peterpeace puke
People ask me why do I have an account here and usually just assume i'm in it to see tits and ass. If that is what you think then that is not the case. If anything, I think this site is more geared towards artistic expressions rather than sexual perversions. I understand that element exists, but not in my universe. If it were solely a...
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Haha, in a weird way, I contradicted myself. Oh, well...
p.s. my brains are HUUUUUGER than my tits. kapow!
If someone were to ask you 'What is the greatest thing in life? ', what would you say? For me, I'd say human emotion is the best damn thing ever. What would life be without it? It's also great having friends to share emotions with. Whether it be someone you've known for years or a partner to fall in love with. I can't say i've...
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Tonight, I feel as though I just about died. I had a very great friend lose their temper with me and i've known this person for years and have never seen them this upset with me. I guess now that I think about it, I did do something terribly wrong. I basically bought something expensive when I should be saving money to move. I wasn't...
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Alright biatches! A lot as happened in the last couple of days. The funniest thing that I have seen in the last week was Snoop Dogg's Tele-fizzle fo snizzle TV show, or at least something alone those lines. Well, what happened in the show you say? Well, snoop dressed up as a substitute teacher for a kindergarden class and taught all the kids how do...
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