yep......... its gonna be one of those weeks... new job, newly single, new life...
New is good!!! Expecially becuase you have been wanting a new job! I have high hopes for your future! Keep your head up! Change can be so amazing sometimes!
new is good but right now it is just very difficult!!! lol here's hoping that the future has something good for me... lol and hopefully, things look up for you as well.... things will get better!!! winkwink
i have been having a bad past couple of weeks... nothing has seemed to go right at all... ever have that happen too you...? i guess, who hasnt... but one of the few things that have made me smile was the comics known as Cyanide and Happiness!! they are stupid, off beat, and often just plain wrong.. so heres a few, hoping that they might...
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Wow, that is shitty... Sorry frown
Ok but you have to email me so i can find out your fave color...etc... and all the fun details. That is half the fun...and you have to have a say. Also did I ever tell you I finally got the set back from the photog with the dress you bought? It is sooooo kick ass!
and yet, somehow life goes on...

Thanks for the bday love!! I will email you back most likely today!!! With the Pics!
biggrin kiss
still awake... been awake for 2 days now... i cant sleep... why....?

How long did you end up going without sleep?
yeah just another day here in Pittsburgh, pa.... oh the joy.. i have never been this bored. i am sure that there is a lot to do around here, but nothing ever presents itself... so, i have been spending most of my time in a coffee shop or 7!! lol but its not really that bad part.. i mean i have gotten a few new...
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this poem was not written by me but by someone else... this is a poem that a lot of soldiers sent home for the wives, girlfriends, and families... but still a good poem... i think the author was david ramono...

If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

If tomorrow starts without me,
And I am Not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your...
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I cried. Thank you for posting this! It's amazing, and even if you didn't write it, well, go you!! =]
I think I might do something with it before my guy heads to Iraq again.
you know, i started writting a blog and for the life of me i cant think of anything that i really want to write about so... i think that i will just write a few of my own little works... enjoy...


i did not want to change the would
i just wanted to change your mind
to make you a star in the sky...
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You should write more often... love these!
i dont wanna grow up
i'm a toy 'r us kid
theres lots of toy at toy 'r us
that i can play with

yeah, its one of thoes days where i really want to be 5 yeaars old again...

well.... i have survived 3 tours to iraq and the middle east, endured 8 years in the army, 10 years in a kitchen (5 of which, as a certified chef) and i have never killed or mamed anyone due to PTSD(post tramatic stress disorder).... so far so good... but that may change on wednesday. my ex, who left me for someone else while i was...
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thanks for the advise and the prespective they help a lot... but i dodged a bullet, for now. i have to drive to maryland and back to pittsburgh today for work... so it only delays what sooner or later has to happen if i want to get my crap back... maybe i should find a couple of hot friends that i have to go with me to her house and just get it back.... lol that would piss her off!!! lol i dont know, its just a hard place to be in... but again thanks...

I hope things went well for you both! Hopefully it wasn't to hard to meet up... you know...
fuck, this fuckin escapde!!!!!!!!
