frown so if you cant live with someone does that mean you shouldn't be dating? i mean i understand that dating doesn't have to lead to marriage but if you're in love and stuff and...ok im not making sense and i'm sounding like a blitherring idiot. i just don't want to stay in a dead end relationship and i'm afraid i might be in one that's...
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relationships are hard. even if you love them.
thank you for the niceness on my set.
the los angeles shorts fest had some pretty lousy films in it. i can hardly believe they were chosen. next year im entering my short film "spoon". a little riff on mixtapes, ex's and spooning.

im all out of chocolate milk and im to lazy to get some more right now. although i do have some wonderful generic 'lucky charms' cereal that come in a...
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mad The movies are trying to fuck me. After leaving the madness that is Hollywood I get stuck a block from my house because someone has decided to shoot a movie in downtown Burbank.
All i want to do is relieve myself and go to sleep before the working week gears back up to grind me down to bone meal skull Like any anyone cares...
