I didn't mention it yesterday, btu I wanted to note the sky was partiuclalry beautiful yesterday. A nice broad spectrum of cloud coloration (from fluffy white to deep blue gray in the same sky ) with a deep blue background peeking through. I can't belive I stared for ten minutes watching.

PS, I turned 28 today.
Happy BERFDAY! smile
It's Friday, I didn;t get my hair done, niether for my birthday on Sunday or the silly baptism I have to go to on the same day, thanks to sickouts and a full work week. I haven't figured what to wear either; the fact of the matter is I haven't stepped ina church on a Sunday in a few years. Oddly enough, liek the last...
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I've said it once, I've said it a million times: I hate online dating. Or I'm just not very good at it.

As hard as I try to make a concious effort to write more, it never works out that way. I just don't have much to say..

No, strike that.

I just don't have much to say worth being recorded and thrown out there....
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Why must it be sooo COLD.

Well, at least it makes to dogs go potty quicker.
A new year.


It doesn't feel new, but how could it when I'm still struggling with the same messes at work I have been for months now. Yes I'm talking about work, or venting, I really don't have much else oto say since it's taking the overwhelming domination of my life right now. That's not all bad, it's paid off, literallyl, I made 20%...
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There is one thing, no matter how much I like my job that always grabs me...
That is I'm supposed to be grateful whenn I'm not as screwed as I could be.

But yet I'm still screwed? confused
as long as u are always grateful smile
random thought: i need a new mouse!
I'm all but through with this online dating stuff.
Perhaps I'm giving up too quickly, but at the money they want..for a month, to get so disappointed, it's just not worth it. I used to think personals as another way of handpickign rejection, but these places formulaticly determine that you're to be compatible with someone..YET I swear my most common closing response has to do...
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Well I tried, honestly gave online dating another shot..but espeicallyt what i've paid thus far I can with little regret call it a bust already. 60 fucking dollars a month...to be so quickly and neatly rejected, b7y peopel that you're supposed to be compatable with. I guess the cliche " this will not end well" stuck again.

Things are not all bad. I'm sitting on...
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I did a pirouette in mail truck today because of a shitty brake. Nothing broken, noone injured. NOT FUN, however.