SG that was a mean trick you played on me. I logged in to see that a bunch of old favorites were showing that their accounts were activated, but alas they truely weren't. I guess it was just a cruel computer glitch. Not cool.
hey! thank for add! wink
We just had my promotion ceremony on Friday night. I had a promotion ceremony that was going to take place for 2 of my Sergeants and I got my orders that morning. We did a little rushing and got some higher rank to come in and it is official I am now whereing Captain.

And thanks to someone my date of rank was back dated...
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Congrats, Sir! Back pay in always nice!
Well the news is in and I am now 1LT(P). What that means is that I have been selected for a promotion to Captain. I made the list now I am just waiting for the orders that will make it official. And let the raise come with it. Hello extra money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile
Jefferson was definitely in favor of an armed citizenry. (He thought militias should exist in place of standing armies.) I'm just pointing out that Jefferson never said that! Fake quotes just drive me nuts.

See "Dakotah Dan"'s comment in Field & Stream:


Congratulations on your promotion, and thank you for your service.
I am back. I was gone for a few weeks because somebody jacked my debit card number and made some charges so I had to get a new one and the account expired while I was waiting.

Still in Kuwait and trying to extend. We will see what happens.
smile thank you!!
and sorry to hear about bloody internet card fraud. that really sucks x
Seems unlikely that's a Jefferson quote, since he was against having a standing army.
Apparently being on my Favorite SG list is a jinx. I think almost half of them have archived. Oh well sorry if you are there, hopefully most left on good terms. Any way another one is gone kemper you will be missed maybe someday you will be back.

Another Army bitch. Sorry but this is the only place I can do it, none of my...
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Good times i tell you what
It was Christmas Eve and I was in Kuwait waiting for a flight to Qatar that would not happen until Christmas day. I was walking around LSA Ali As Salem and ran into a Chaplain. He told me about an Christmas Eve outside mass and I thought that would be really nice to go to.

It was not very well attended but that is not...
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i have heard good thngs about the netbooks...... may just have to check those out!!!!
and thats a pretty rad story u got there!!! i am sure that was qute the experience...
I'm gonna bitch about military right now because it's the only place I can do it. I am friends with too many of my Soldiers on Facebook, so I don't want them to see their leader bitching.

Anyway I watch an E8, who everyone thinks is badass, get punked by an E7 the other day. He told her to stretch everyone out after the road...
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i don't like the idiots either.
thanks for the love on my set <3
I wonder if anyone knows which state has the most Suicide Girls in it. I am betting on Ohio or California. Ohio thanks to Alissa Brunelli and her wonderful photography or California because it's California.

Let's take a poll and see what everyone else thinks.
How is it that we have been in Kuwait since the 1990's, but the living conditions I had in Iraq in the 3rd year of the war were better?
I am absolutely devistated right now. I just went through my friends list and found that Illyria is archived and no longer active in the site. That makes this a sad sad day. She was without a doubt one of the most beautiful models. She was just naturally stunning. She was hot whether she made up hard core or with just a small amount of...
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Sorry to hear Illyria's absence is making you sad. I understand that...

I wanted to thank you for your sweet words about my sets. I am serious about no new sets until Wolf spirit get bought though. It's a shame because I've got so many ideas for new sets, plus a multi set I'd LOVE to shoot with one of my favourite suicidegirls. Maybe I'll shoot that multi set no matter what happens to Wolf spirit, I don't know.Only time will tell now.

Hey honey! Thanks for the support on my latest set, I sure do appreciate it! love
Here we are in Kuwait. It is hot as hell and can you believe it it is way fucking humid. This sucks.

Imagine a big pan full of water in your oven, let it get good and steamy in there and then open the door. But you have to be wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt. Make sure that they are a material...
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gosh, thank you so very much, i'm very pleased that you liked my set. biggrin
thank you soo much for your sweet comment on my set smile xx
Mobilization started today. Finally, now the count down starts to the end of the mobilization. You gotta love it. You can't wait for it to start and once it starts you can't wait for it to end.
Thanks so much for your comment on my photo album!! biggrin