Dear god, this isn't going to be easy.

I said I'd write Tilly a testimonial. As you can imagine I'm torn between:

* leaving a little in-joke that only her and I could possibly fathom.

* taking the piss out of the slew of clanking syconphancy below .

* writing something articulate and moving.

So then.
Tilly is one of the few people that reminds me that not all humans are puny.
Some of them are ceaslessly surprising.
Some of them make you lose sleep worrying about them.
Some of them make you want to travel miles and miles to see them.
Some make you laugh like you did when you were a little kid.
Some of them are truly beautiful, even though they hotly protest it at times.
Some of them make you really happy to count as one your friends.

Tilly is one of them.