Guys! My set was bought today and I am still in shock. It's been a long ride but I truly believe that with this set, I tried my hardest and really felt a connection with the theme. I wanted to give up so many times but I really wanted to prove that it was possible to work for this. I am proud to be a Suicide girl who is a woman of color! To my girls, I love you all and am so blessed to know the ladies that I do trough this site. Do you, be you and work hard. β™₯️ things take time but it's worth it to rep for yourself and for your ladies around you. Thanks to @cdo for bringing me, this set/theme to life-- wouldn't have done it without ya. Xoxo to all of y'all!


Busy getting everything together so that I can graduate in June. Everyone keeps asking me what I'm doing afterwards but I'm just trying to take life one step at a time. How's life going for you?

Best of luck for you!
Hot damn, you look so f*cking beautiful! 😍 Congrats on graduating, don't worry about the future too much, I'm 32 and still have no idea what to do with my life! πŸ˜€