Well... Where I can start? Hahaha ok, I think the more important thing what I like to tell to my teenage girl Is DON'T CHANGE FOR ANYONE, ok, some people can be very cruel in your life because you aren't what they expect (stupid boyfriends included), try to be happy only for yourself. The people come's and go ALL THE FU****G TIME, It's your life,...
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@orphic of course! You don't need a man, try to see the things in another angle. Be happy for yourself, just in that way you can found someone what makes you comfortable and loved!
@luxes thank you 💚😍

Hello everyone, thanks for all the love in my set "Cereal and Teal" I really hope you enjoy all the images and don't forget to visit the next one.

These days I was very busy and stressed, so I haven't paid the attention what deserve the people who send me messages and comment on my set. But don't forget how much I appreciate you all....
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Sorry you've been busy and stressed! I know that feeling too well. Hope that stress dies down a little and the next time you tell us how busy you are it's because stress was exchanged for fun. Stay beautiful, my friend! ❤
Thanks @xheartswornx I Hope to be more active in the page. My worst days aren't over but I still very very possitive. In a few weeks I'll be great!