First, I would like to talk about the Suicide Girls I first fell in love with. I have been here for many years, since the site was less than one year old. So, while I have fallen in love many times, I want to mention a few. @mary (last blog April 2, 2007, last set November 23, 2009) and @quinne (last blog November 9,2013, last...
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Forgot birthday  is not cool but the rest of history is amazing, I am totally Aisha, always in the middle
Hot! Oh and yes Mary was my first SG love!!! 😍😘

Hello, Mexican People.

Happy Independence Day. I will drink some Mexican pale ale in your honor.

Love Mexico. Love Mexicans. Hate El Tri.


Toray, we celebrate our Independence Day. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. It read like this.

1. We hate the British.

2. Fuck the King.

3. See ya, Limeys!

All right, it was more complicated that that. The Glorious Cause. the Revolution for Independence, was hard fought, but impossible for the UK once he US began to field a professional army....
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To all the fathers on the site, happy father's day! I hope it was great. I hope all wishes for the day came true, And I am not talking about that wonderful rack of lamb you had for dinner.

Mothers, don't you want make the father of your children happy? Do so. Tell him this is not about you, it is totally about him, and...
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Beautiful words bb

On Wednesday, I asked Country and Megan for an orgy.

Here is the situation. Our unicorn, Serena, went to her parents home. She says she misses us, promises to rerun once the fancy new Chines virus is dealt with. Also, she is having a great time playing with her little bother.

I have not seen Wendy at all, and Clair only twice. Courtney and Megan...
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I love that u said "our unicorn' haha

Are not bad in our area of the Capital. It did get tense. Now the National Guard is hear, mainly, it seems, to protect government buildings and monuments. I am happy to have them.

Hopefully, we have turned the corner on this. Go back to China's fancy new virus.

Normally, it takes Aisha about 45 minute to get home. Now, it takes her two hours,...
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Glad to hear it s safe in your area

Today is Cinco de Mayo, we remember the Battle of Pueblo, where 2,000 starving and outgunned Mexicans defeated 4,000 French. It is a bigger day to the US than Mexico.

The US was fighting our own Civil Wat, and nobody really knows what Louis Napoleon intended those troops to do. I believe the Louis Napoleon had given them orders to head west and hold California...
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And Margaritas, Dos Equis lager Dos Equis Mexican Pale Ale.

The Republicans say the same old things.

The Democrats say the same old bullshit.

Am I the only one who thinks we need some new ideas?

You and the repetilians

It is not as if I do not wish to chat with you on the brilliant new SG Live Stream. I njust get an error message. I assume his in because of my shitty pc.